Reader's Choice
The Journey's End
Smart and kind, Rachel is the favorite girl next door whose mother has her whole life planned out. However, she has other plans…
What happens when you find yourself lost in the middle of nowhere, where the landscape is ever changing, danger is always lurking, and the prospect of death seems certain with every breath?


A Word From The Author
Everyday something new happens around the world. A new story breaks. Tales of trauma, torture and needless death as well as ground breaking discoveries and creativity that keeps on inspiring the globe. And the story continues. We are not yet at the end. Despite all the evil in the world, the light of God pierces through the darkness. This is what I try to reveal in all my books; that the reason why we can walk with Him, trust in Him and worship Him is because we know that He knows the end of the story. And for us that put our trust in Him and seek to follow him, we know our stories would always have a good ending.
Victoria Olasegha
Popular Works
Changing lives with words...
The power of words cannot be over-emphasized. Words are not just what we hear, write or read…they have become what we create and how we interact with the world around us.
Words can influence us, inspire us and even bring us to tears. Words can change our belief system, our approach to life and our relationships. Wars have been fought over mere words and the greatest love that the world has ever experienced is professed through the Word of God.
My prayer is that through the words in my books you experience a positive paradigm shift in your relationships with others but more so, in your relationship with God.

What Readers Are Saying
I am grateful for all these wonderful reviews. They encourage me in this ministry. If you have been blessed by my writing, kindly drop a review too.
Captivating and thrilling. This took me on a journey of faith like never before…

Dr Timothy Landry
Review on The Journey's End
This is a jewel of a book. A literary classic and a must have for every Christian.

Mrs Leke Amoo
Review on The Journey's End
The pages virtually turn themselves. The Journey’s end is in a class by itself. Unputdownable.

Dr Jinmi Adetutu
Review on The Journey's End
Brilliant storytelling by Victoria, the book takes you
on a pleasant journey from suspense to humor and faith. A book worth reading. Captivating.

Dr Haruna Ngada
Review on The Journey's End

Upcoming Book
Sons and Lovers follows a group of young people on the journey of self discovery. While studying for their university degrees, they face falling in love, being seduced by drugs, coping with loss and grief, while still holding on to their faith in Christ. The book captures the campus life and all the uncertainty, excitement, freedom and the promise of a brighter future that comes with it.