Guest Post

Hello and welcome to today’s guest post. Today, we have a lady who has an eye for fashion and who will tell us what we sorely need to hear in these times. Fashion, the Christian way.


Christian Philosophy on Fashion.

As a Christian I’d like to say that Christian philosophy on fashion refers to a set of beliefs or an attitude that guides a person’s (who is like Christ) behavior to popular style of clothes, hair or appearance. This simply means that as Christians, our fashion sense should reflect Christ in us.

We are made to understand from Gen 3:21 that God made garments of skin to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve…that is the essence of clothes! They are to cover our nakedness!!! But, what do we have today?Women are literally walking around naked! We see married women who are mothers exposing parts of their bodies that ought to be covered all in the name of following the new trend of fashion. (Imagine women with pot bellies exposing their tummies! Gross!) 1Tim 2: 9-10 enjoys women to dress modesty and with propriety…for women who profess to worship God.

There is also the disturbing trend of little children wearing skimpy stuffs…micro-mini skirts, backless tops, low waist jeans and all. When their mothers are challenged about how their gals are dressed; they wave it off saying they are just kids. Mothers!!! That’s how it all starts, if they are exposed to that kind of dressing at their tender age they will see it as normal. And then when they grow and start wearing clothes that are worse than that you (the mother) complain and wonder where they picked it from….you started the process, they only improved on it.  The Bible says teach your child the way she should go (Proverbs 22: 6), that includes the way she should dress.

The most annoying of all these are the way some young ladies dress. They wear clothes that not only reveal a large chunk of their cleavage but also wear low waist jeans with G-string pants revealing more than half of their buttocks!!!Its gradually becoming the norm for bra straps and pants to show as part of the dressing…. I thought they are supposed to be underwear’s(wears to be worn under cloths) but these days they have become wears no longer under cloths….and someone says this is fashion?! How can exposing your lingerie be part of fashion? Which kind of absurd fashion is that? We are slowly returning to the days when people used leaves to cover their private parts!!!! Clothes are meant to cover the body but these days clothes are to flaunt what you got!!! The standard of God never changes and His person should be evident in our dressing.

Much as it is good to accessorize our outfits and use make ups, our beauty should not be based on all these (the Bible refers to them as outward adornments 1 Peter 3:3), rather what makes you truly beautiful should be our inner self; the unfading beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit which is of great worth in God’s sight (1 Peter 3:4). There is a warning in Isaiah 3: 16-24 about the daughters of Zion who took too much pride in their appearance and forgot about inward beauty and what became of them.

Let’s remember that our appearance says a lot about us and how people will treat us. People see us before they hear us. Let our lives (dressing, makeup, accessories) reflect that we have been with Christ and are living for Him (Philippians 4:5). We should also put on wisdom as part of our dressing for no one wants a beautiful idiot. (Proverbs 25:12). Beauty is passing and will fade one day, let us as godly women seek to develop godly character that will be evident in all we do (Proverbs 31:30) and always keep in mind that we are His masterpiece.

By Lois Ozidu

1 thought on “Guest Post”

  1. Fashion should be about how you cover your body and not how to expose it! Please let’s dress decently at all times.

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