November 2014

The Cougar

The Cougar.(Or her younger sister) She stoops to conquer. She is majestic and strong even at her age. A timeless beauty. She is everything you want. Maternal, matured, settled. You don’t have to worry about her throwing tantrums or begging for your attention. She will never worry you about money or whine about the bills. …

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Reminiscences. We are pleased to announce that a novel by one of the blog administrators has been published on amazon. The title is Dazzle me Forever. A book review is available here.  You can visit the link to buy the book here. Or just search for the title under amazon books. So we’ve been churning out …

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CLA 101

CLA 101. Titi shakes her head as she watches her husband put on his coat and tie and take a peek in the mirror, smiling at himself. “Who are you dressing up for? Don’t come and tell me you’ll be working late today o,” she says unsmiling. He gives her a peck as he heads …

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Fowl Play

Fowl Play! These 4 communication styles are for the birds. By Gary D. Chapman She sat in my office, tears running down her face. \”I wish my husband would talk to me. But most of the time, he says nothing. I don\’t know how much longer I can take the silence.\” This wife was expressing …

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