Guest Post

Who says?

  Ever wonder why some people change the way they look or wanna be like someone else? One person looks at another person and wants to be like him or her. The fat gal wants to be thin and the thin gal wants to ‘add some weight’. The tall and slim guy wants to be …

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Guest Post

FINDING SOLACE Solace… relief from emotional distress A source of comfort Many things trouble the mind; The \’seemingly\’ mistakes of the past The challenges of the present The fear of the (unknown) future Ending one phase Beginning another Where can one\’s soul find rest? That quiet and calm confident inner strength to go on, in …

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Guest Post

Characteristics of the Human Heart by Casey Treat       God wants every heart and every family to be whole, yet today over half of the young people in the world live in single-parent households during their early years. This often produces a heart within them that has been bruised, abandoned, rejected, or lied to.  …

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Guest post

Four things to learn at school that no one teaches. There are some great things one should learn at school that your teachers will not actually show you. Here they are: 1. Learn the art of discipline: Take advantage of your free time during or between classes to finish assignments and projects. 2. Learn to …

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Guest Post

Hello and welcome to today’s guest post. Today, we have a lady who has an eye for fashion and who will tell us what we sorely need to hear in these times. Fashion, the Christian way. Christian Philosophy on Fashion. As a Christian I’d like to say that Christian philosophy on fashion refers to a …

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Guest Post

Hello,how has the day of rest been for you? Today, we will be treating a question that has baffled ladies for ages. An enlightened member of the male gender would like to tell us; Why men are not straightforward. Why do men find it so difficult to be upfront? Do they think all women are …

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