Understand what love does

Understand What Love Does
by Adetokunbo Adeoye


We know that love is not a feeling or based on emotions, and love does not take account of wrongs or hold grudges, so it is fitting to say that love forgives. Since true love is not based on conditions, love already has made the decision, and portrayed the attitude to forgive just like Jesus did for us.

True love does not hold on to past or present offense. Love forgives any wrongdoing whether the perpetrator of the offence asks for forgiveness or not.
Above all things have intense and unfailing love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins (forgives and disregards the offenses of others).
(1 Peter 4:8 AMP)

Hate stirs up trouble, but love forgives all offenses.(Prov. 10:12 GNB)
Not only does love forgive, it also gives. I said that love is a sacrifice, an investment, a fruit, all of which are given.

When you sacrifice your life for someone, you are giving your life for the person. When you invest your money, you are giving your money to garner a profit. The fruit of love was given to us by God\’s Spirit in us.

Therefore love gives. \”For God so loved the world that he gave….\”

If you operate in true love, just like our Father in heaven gave us His only Son\’s life as a gift, and Jesus in turn also gave us grace, faith, salvation, and the Holy Spirit as gifts, then, you should also give gifts in demonstration of your love to your mate.

You should give gifts such as yourself, your time, your touch, your undivided attention, your affirmation, your encouragement, your support, your money,

The only thing that your love for your mate should not give-is \”up,\” because love does not give up.

Although love gives, I would like you to be mindful of the fact that just because someone gives you gifts doesn\’t mean the person loves you. Perhaps you\’re familiar with the fact that some men, and women, too, give gifts with strings attached.

Anybody can give without loving, but nobody can love without giving, because true love gives. Also, love operates on the premise that:
• …It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).
• Give, and it will be given to you… (Luke 6:38).
The last statement supports the investment nature of love, as giving to someone would result in someone giving back to you. And in reference to the subject of love, giving love to your mate should lead your mate to reciprocate love back to you.

Since love gives and receives, that means love is a two way street. Love communicates. In communicating, we do something to elicit a response. Paraphrasing and revisiting 1 John 4:19, God communicated His love to us first, which elicited a response from us in loving Him back.

According to Today\’s English Version of the Bible (Good News Bible), the first thing said about love in 1 Corinthians 13:4, is that love is patient. The New King James Version of the same chapter and verse says love suffers long.

The Amplified Version says love endures long, and is patient. In other words, true love endures or waits – patiently.

I am very impressed with Jacob\’s patience for Rachel. He suffered or endured fourteen long years of hard work for Laban, Rachel\’s father, because of Rachel. He even worked another six years for her father\’s flocks. He suffered long, endured long, or waited patiently to marry Rachel. And why did he do this? Because he loved her.

Do you know Jesus is doing the same for us even right now? Do you know that if you believe in Him you are part of His church? Do you remember Him loving the church and giving Himself for Her?

Do you know that He\’s also known as the Bride Groom, and the church His bride? If you don\’t know, now you know.

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