Diary of an Octogenarian (7)

Our wedding was a dream. At least that’s how Salewa described it. To me it was a miracle. Being able to hold her in my arms and call her mine after all these years of being apart was extraordinary. Friends thought we were mad because we wanted all the works; engagement party, traditional marriage and white wedding. They felt we were too old. But this was my first real wedding. I wanted it to be really special. This was the marriageĀ  where I was really committed and had all the nerves and butterflies that I had never had in previous relationships.

To me it felt like we were teenagers again. Salewa made me feel so young in a way that was hard to describe. She was playful and funny, thoughtful and sweet. Watching her, I just wonder how I could have found people like Simone attractive.

Once we started living together, everything just fell into place. I was conscious that we might not have long together and I wanted us to make the best of our time together while we served God. It took a while for her children to accept me as expected but we grew cordial and even a bit friendly. I retired from the firm and did some free lance work and concentrated on serving in the church as an evangelist while Salewa was a Bible study teacher. We were happy as happy can be. Until tragedy struck…

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