Focus on the Family: Getting the Better of them.

Getting the Better of Them.

Welcome to focus on the family segment. The segment that deals with family issues in a humorous way. Today we will be looking at the female version of the best of both worlds.   if you haven\’t read it yet, then go back and read it before commencing this one.  Be sure to read the post to the very end.


Women have been seen as the weaker sex for ages and centuries. In a world where men dominate, women are mostly seen as second class citizens. They are made to bend to the whims and caprices of men in almost all areas of life, especially marriage. But as
I’m here to tell you ladies, it doesn’t have to be that way. We can get the better of them if we want to. With a little cunning and ingenuity, we can make them pay. How? Well, I’m ready to give you an exposition.

First, for this to work at all you must marry a man who is head over heels in love with you. No, not the one you are attracted to. or the one you have a crush on but the one who would go to the moon for you. Ok, so maybe he wouldn’t do that but then he must really like you. So when you’re saying yes girls, consider this first.

Then, please before the wedding try not to stress yourself out. You give yourself ulcers and unnecessary headaches with all your running up and down. It’s just a day like any other. Make it simple. Avoid drama. Of course, spare no expense on your make-up and gown- you’ll definitely want to look good in those pictures. Make sure your man pays for everything though but don’t beggar him so he can still have something to give you after marriage. Be calm and in control. In fact as much as you can, leave the wedding details to others.

Then after the honeymoon which would have been at least a tolerable time, real life begins.

I assume that you\’re a working woman or else you are wasting time reading this. During your engagement, you must have let your man know that you will on no account give up your job, or your career. So after marriage, show him that work is important to you. Leave for work early every day as early as you can. You must leave home early so that you’ll have no time to spare for housework. Your man might complain but if it pinches him too hard, no one will tell him before he gets hired help. And if he’s stubborn enough not to get hired help, that means he would have to do it himself.

Now sisters, one of the mistakes we make after marriage is that after work we come home too early while our men go to the pubs and relax with a few beers. Who’s to say you can’t also do that. Just because you’re married, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t live a little. Socialize. Get to know the many more exciting men out there. Have a few drinks. Flirt. Go to the spa with your girls. Enjoy the company of both your clients and associates. Then after you’ve done all that, you can go home. Have a little adventure of your own too just like our men do. Do not send your old boyfriends away. Do you know that a married woman is simply irresistible to many men? They want you because they feel you are untouchable.

As a responsible woman try to get home before 10pm; your man won’t give you much hassle if you do what I call regular checking in. Call your man ahead of time to let him know that you’ll be out late taking care of business. By the time you get home, you will have absolutely no time for anything-not even housework. Your husband would understand also that you’re tired and won’t expect you to do much at that hour.

How about the fact that you must take care of the children? As a woman you are expected to do that but let your husband know from the get-go that it wouldn’t be all your responsibility. Have well defined schedules and time-tables for things like turns for changing the baby, feeding the baby or dropping the kids off at school. Don’t dump it all on him. Make sure you do a little bit.

Then the money. Girl, you may be working but you still need spending money from your husband. Draw up an elaborate budget each month to give to him.

Whatever you do, do not nag him to give you the money. Butter him up with good food and words of approbation before you make your request. It’s not manipulation. It’s called appealing to his good nature. This will be very easy if you followed my number one rule of him being madly in love with you. Then make sure you don’t blow it all. Save yourself a little nest egg.

There’s one area of marriage that you have complete rule over. I’m sure you know it, it’s in the bedroom. Make him pay for it. Don’t use this option too often but use it well. If well executed, you can use it to get almost anything you want from your man. A bit of a warning here. When you’re married, don’t make the mistake some of our sisters do by letting themselves go. You may be bearing the children alright, but do you have to bear that extra pound of flesh you allow yourself to gain? Eat right, exercise well, don’t be a couch potato. Also, as much as possible discourage him from getting advice from his male colleagues especially when it comes to marriage. (They can be the death of your well formed plans)

If my advice is adhered to, then you would have yourself a man who is totally devoted to you, who provides all your needs, who is willing to do the homemaking with you and yet you will not need to be tied down or give up your youth because of him.

There could be one tiny hitch though. If you happen to love your husband very much then my advice will do you little good.

P.S:  In the society, the woman is required to play certain roles in the home.  Sometimes, some of what she\’s expected to do seems unfair.  Are women supposed to fight back? Should they just submit? Can there be a balance?  Guys and ladies,  share your thoughts with us.

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