Diary Of a Fusspot 16

I woke up early the next day and knocked on Christy’s door. For the very first time, I was going to ask her for a favor. And it was a very big one.

When I got inside, I said without preamble.

“You said I could trust you Christy,”

She nodded, intrigued at the seriousness on my face.

“Then there’s something I want you to do for me.”

She listened as I explained my plan with rapt attention.

As I drove to the hospital to pick up Titi I realized what my mistake had been. I had played the helpless victim all along, powerless to do anything. But now it was time to take charge. Enough was enough. I couldn’t let Satan defeat me or take my family away from me. I was a child of God and I was ready to wage war.

Titi was excited to see me. I knew what she wanted to hear me say. As I told her of my alternative solution, her face fell but she knew it was the best that could be done under the circumstances. I had discussed the matter with Ike and we had both agreed that until we were sure of our circumstances, we wouldn’t bring in an extra mouth to feed.

I didn’t tell Christy why we couldn’t take Titi in just that we couldn’t and she hadn’t probed further. Perhaps she had sensed it must be something serious. I was realizing more and more that I was guilty of not looking under the surface when it came to Christy. That woman had the heart of gold and she agreed to maintain utmost discretion to Titi living in her house..

Ike had told me not to tell Christy of our affairs but the same rule did not apply to Titi so I told her of the challenges we were facing. To my surprise, she heaved a sigh of relief.

“I thought you didn’t want me in your home because of what happened with Ike and I long ago,” she explained. I laughed loudly.

“Well it’s good I helped clear that misconception. All that was in the past Titi.”

“I’m really sorry for what the two of you are going through. But I’ll be praying for you,” she promised as I dropped her off at Christy’s house.

For now, we didn’t know what would happen between her and her husband. We would take it one step at a time. But she needed protection and she needed sanctity and rest. Thankfully, that was something Christy was able to offer her.


I got home and saw an invitation in my mailbox to an interview. The company was about 45 minutes away from home.

“Perhaps this could work,” I thought to myself. I said a quick prayer. ‘Lord, you know best. I’m willing to do whatever it is you would have me do.’

Then I called Ike. I had decided to do something I should have done a long time ago but had declined to do because I was still living in denial about the court case.

“Yes, I’m at the law firm. We’re waiting for you,” Ike said.

It was time for me to meet face to face with Ike’s lawyer. Ogadima. Everything was going to be alright.


1 thought on “Diary Of a Fusspot 16”

  1. Ogadima! What a piece of a well laid out intrigues laced with suspense. It seemed I was reading a Hollywood movie script written by Stephen Spielberg. Well-done Vickie. Nice one dear

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