Books that talk

The Rules of Love.
They say all is fair in love and war. That may be true but in his book;The Rules of love, Richard Templar would have us know that love also has rules. To win in love, you must be willing to follow the rules. He described the book as a personal code for happier, more fulfilling relationships. After perusing the book, I couldn\’t agree more.
Whilst reading the book, I discovered there was something in it for everyone at each stage of life. If you were single, he talked to you about the rules of finding love, if you were in a relationship there was a set of relationship rules, if you were on the verge of a breakup or divorce, there were rules for parting and the lucky ones with friends and family were not left out. There were rules on how to love family properly and how to be a great friend. Some of the rules were funny like; \’being less than a hundred percent attractive is a great filter\’, some blunt like; \’you can\’t make a person love you,\’ some seem difficult like; \’listen to what they are not saying,\’ some are just sensible like; put yourself in their shoes. The book made me chuckle at times, made me open my mouth in amazement, even made me blink repeatedly(I did try to avoid tear stains on the book). All the elements of a good book in my opinion.

I think the experts all agree that love is immensely difficult. I think they also agree that it is worth it. What they haven\’t seemed to agree on is how to maintain it when you have it and not to lose it when you\’ve got it. Richard Templar doesn\’t profess to have all the answers either but he seems to have a few clues.
He best sums up what the book is about in his own words:
\’…this is a collection of behaviours to follow in order to be better at loving people, and to be loved better in return. These rules are reminders, not revelations. And that\’s as it should be. Love isn\’t so difficult that there are secrets you never knew, it\’s just that sometimes we lose the plot a bit and need to remind ourselves of what\’s really important and what we should aim for to make all our relationships deep and lasting.\’
So there you have it folks; it\’s a gem of a book. Find it, buy it, read it. But most of all, don\’t forget to love by the Rules.

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